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Sing 2 (2021): Ambitious Koala “Buster Moon” to perform at Redshore

The audience's enthusiasm for the first film, "Sing" (2016), made this film succeeds in getting a 2017 Golden Globes nomination which was included in the Best Original Song – Motion Picture category. After five years, the writer and director of this film, Garth Jenning, has finally decided to make the sequel to the "Sing 2" film released in 2021. The 112 minutes "Sing 2" film produced by Illumination is an animated musical comedy film, then distributed by Universal Studios. The first film only featured characters voiced by Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Scarlett Johansson, Nick Kroll, Taron Egerton, Tori Kelly, Nick Offerman, and Jennings. The sequel features new voice actors like Halsey, Pharrell Williams, Bobby Cannavale, etc. Not much different from the previous film, "Sing 2" also presents scenes with accompanying songs like an animated musical that can blind the audience to sing along.

Dream as high as possible, and prove that you can achieve it. That's a principle held by the ambitious koala, Buster Moon. It tells the story of a koala named Buster Moon (Matthew McConaughey) with his friends: Rosita, the pig, a housewife who is busy taking care of dozens of piglets (Reese Witherspoon), Ash, the hedgehog rocker (Scarlett Johnsen) Meena, the shy elephant (Tory Kelly), the gorilla, Johnny (Taron Egerton) and Gunter, an eccentric pig with an extraordinary imagination (Nick Kroll), want to put on a spectacular show that is different from his small theatre, the New Moon Theatre. Buster wanted to prove his ability to put on a big performance at the Crystal Tower Theatre in Redshore City.

However, all are not easy things that can be done instantly. Behind Buster's big dream, there is also a big effort made by Buster and his friends. They go to Redshore City, put on a show on the talent show, and want recognition from judge Jimmy Crystal (Bobby Cannavale), the boss of Crystal Entertainment. Unfortunately, their performances are considered inappropriate and ordinary. The faces of disappointment and sadness were visible on the faces of Buster and his friends. They have tried their best to show. However, showing no signs of Mr. Crystal will glance at them.

In a state of near desperation, Gunter rant about his wild idea of promising to do a show starring lion rock legend, Clay Calloway. It sends Buster off guard, but either way, Buster is quick to put the idea into action. Instead of grandiose plans, the show will star Clay Calloway. Mr. Crystal was very enthusiastic about the plan because Clay was a rock legend whose name was once fragrant in his time.

Crazy idea. Buster is happy that Gunter's idea was accepted and looks forward to Mr. Crystal. On the other hand, Buster has never met Clay! The legendary has long shot himself off from the world since his wife's departure, which also weakened Clay's enthusiasm for work. An extraordinary challenge. If it fails, of course, Buster will get a big disaster. This is not an easy thing. Buster and his friends must fight hard to persuade the famous rock star Clay Calloway to join them.

The bad news, Buster failed to convince Mr. Crystal to bring Clay to their show because Clay always refuses people who want to meet him. It makes Mr. Crystal furious. In the end, Ash, the hedgehog, is approached by luring Clay to openly talk and convince Clay to want to come back to help them make the show a success.

This 114 minutes film is beautifully presented, has an exciting storyline, and is suitable to enjoy, especially for children and adults. Adorable characters that can spoil the eye during serving. In addition, the message conveyed in this film is super-duper, exciting, and touching. We think some things are impossible and scary because they seem overreaching. Still, in the end, they can be done about big dreams that are realized through a worthy effort. The aspect that is emphasized in achieving goals here is teamwork. Buster would not have been able to fulfill his dream of bringing Clay into his show without the help of his friends.

The name and each animal that has a characteristic in their clothes and looks adorable like humans show their identity. But unfortunately, too many characters make it difficult for the audience to memorize some names. In remembering names, they may need to pay close attention to the film to remember easily. As the title suggests, "Sing 2" features adorable animals at the concert in animated form. The songs sung are delighted to hear and bring modern songs today. Unfortunately, not all audiences can know and sing these songs. Some people judge foreign and are not familiar with the choice of songs. However, overall, very good.

In addition, the setting where the Redshore city is presented in the film is very realistic, just like in the human world. Magnificent and characterize the city in America. Cars are passing by on the road driven by animals. Tall buildings, offices, or hotels have the same activities as humans working, eating, and other activities. The city's colors, the trees, and the architecture of the buildings made with modern designs are like human life. The small details in the interior are considered to support a neat presentation's quality. The lighting provided is also bright but not dazzling. Overall good, suitable to watch when relaxing with family or alone and for all ages


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